Monday, November 24, 2008

13.2 Hegemony

In chapter 9, Cheney et al., p. 260, they discuss the process of hegemony, whereby a specific way of doings things becomes all encompassing to a group or a people. I was listening to NPR (KQED, 88.5FM) this morning about a story of a female gang wearing Pink sari's in India. They were organized to stand-up to the corruption of the local government. For many years the status quo of bribery and lack of action by the government has left many victims and poor people without services and justice. In Cheney et al., they talk about "who determines particular ways of...determining how things are -- and how it becomes entrenched." The Pink Sari Gang, lead by a 40 year old woman named Sampot has had enough with the corruption and the hegemony of oppression. She and her gang of pink ladies have begun to challenge the establishment and, along with their pink sticks, have slowly begun to make a "change" in their society. Take a listen, you'll find the story very interesting:
Click here to listen to the story at

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