Wednesday, October 29, 2008

10.3 Threat to Communities and the Environment

After reading the Critics of Globalization (p.390), I recall the arguments about the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and how it was going to lift the Mexican economy and create new jobs for Americans. Well, it's been 14 years and the Mexican economy hasn't broken any records and American workers have lost more jobs to corporations going global. The NAFTA experiment worked to give corporations more profits and paved the way for companies to continue to drive the cost of production down to boost profits. The thought of globalization threatening our communities has been around for years.

Our country has been addicted to the oil of third world countries for more than 30 years. We have watched our economy fluctuate with threat of reducing production of oil in the Middle East. We've watched our favorite vehicles go from Ford to Toyota in less than 20 years. And we've watched our brand name appliances and entertainment being assembled in plants all around the globe.

The only threat globalization would have on our communities would be if we stood by comfortably on our past accomplishments. We need to continue to invest in innovation and research. We need to create new markets and let the most efficient entity be a part of manufacturing the goods. In the end we all benefit if the products we purchase are reasonable in cost.

1 comment:

violet said...

I agree with you. Well the scene is not very good for jobs in America, I did not know about the NAFTA but thank you now i know. And your point is very right, i mean most of the manufacturing is done from outside countries. Most of the clothing, shoes, appliances we buy are tagged made in china, India,Japan etc. I think right from the beginning America never paid attention to manufacturing and thought that it was better if they bought things from outside but now this has become a threat as other countries have become big in manufacturing and companies in America such as GM are going down. I read in Forbes 500 list for top companies there has been an entry of 5 new companies of china.