Thursday, November 6, 2008

11-2.3 - Transformational Leader

Since the election, I have heard many commentators say that President-Elect Obama is a transformational leader. I recall reading about that type of leader in chapter 7. According to the text (p.196), "the leader encourages such change by appealing to followers to change their focus, usually away from selfish interests to a higher purpose..." After listening to Mr. Obama's speech on Monday, I would have to say that he seems to appear to fit the mold of a transformational leader. His campaign has been about "change" since say one. It was obvious that he grabbed the mantel of change away from the other campaign. It would appear that it was a successful strategy. Since he was offering change, it was an inevitable since the we were getting a new president. Also, his rise to the office (as an African-American) would be the first for this nation. Finally, he was always saying that it was about the voters (the people) not him. And that he was only the person trying to represent their cause; to be their voice for change. According to the text, (p.194) change is central to the concept: if someone attempts (or succeeds at) radical organizational or social change, the leadership is transformational.

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