Saturday, November 8, 2008

11-2.5 MBWA

After reading Characteristics of Contemporary Social Life... (p.199) I found the idea of the concept of Management By Walking Around (MBWA) to be rather insightful. Last year I was talking to some support personnel and one of them mentioned that the Chief had not been down to visit them or talk to them. He had recently been appointed the Chief (leader) and he had mentioned in some memos that he would be taking the time to go around and meet with the members of the organization. It had now been several months and he had not made his way to the area of the department. I could feel the air of resentment, as they spoke about his leadership. They said they were not impressed with him and that they didn't think he was a good leader. I thought to myself, imagine what they might be thinking now if had taken a few minutes to meet them at their division meetings? Just to say hi, give them praise on a job well done; and a promise to be open to their concerns. Shake some hands, walk around and ask members about their jobs. It would have gone a long way to promote harmony and pride. Instead, he has missed out on an opportunity. However, with each new year, it seems to me that he could conduct his MBWA and restore some credibility!

1 comment:

Mansoor said...

We also know from the statistics that most of manager do a lot more talking than doing anything else. Does it mean their work is not effective enough, No. Actually we trivialize the effort they put in the organizations productivity and well being. If organization needed another developer, it must have hired one but managers certainly are there to take care of bigger aspects of the organization. As you mentioned the idea of MBWA, i totally agree with it. If managers are not interacting with the people working under them, it surely gives employee a bad impression or leave them slacking. Sure do agree with that.