Wednesday, December 3, 2008

14.4 Web Poster Review: Building Corporations through Leadership

I found your personal interest statement to be very inspirational. Your goal to become a corporate leader seems very attainable from what I read in your web poster. I agree that 'confidence' in what we can do and what we can become are qualities that should be a part of every potential leader. I would say that the trick is: How do we build and foster confidence? I also think that taking chances and not worrying about being wrong can create a path toward confidence. If the potential leader makes decisions based on reliable and reasonable information then she should feel confident that a positive result may manifest.

Your comparisons between transformational leadership style and managerial leadership style was very helpful and contributed to what we learned in Cheney et al. I agree with your opinion that the roles of management and leadership have become blurred at times in some companies and that we need to 'redefine' the word leadership so that we can create better organizations.

1 comment:

violet said...

I agree with you, the author of this webposter does make very good points on leadership. Yes confidence is very essential and the after reading the poster it is clear that the author does have amazing confidence and the ability to be a good leader and also start up his/her own business. And i even agree with you on the part where the author makes comparison between the leadership styles.